PHHPA Magazine

Interview with Our Director General ( Bradley Chapman )


Why is visiting our members of important to you?

Our Director General believes that visiting our members is very important. We are an association but we are also a community and it is important now more than ever to make our members feel comfortable. This is why although our first road trip is over we will definitely be visiting our members on a regular basis.

“Meeting people is so important, it is how we learn,
build and grow together. A high tide raises all ships.”

There are many people who are keen to enter into the industry and some already in the industry who are highly skilled and highly dedicated people who could make massive strides in our industry.

Bradley believes that the more open we are the more we can connect members and bring them together sharing their experiences. By learning from each other’s best practices we will improve and grow the industry.

Bradley always says “the moment you shut yourself off
from learning is the day that you start going

As you can tell we at very passionate about the Park Home industry and want to be able to support companies to grow and progress the industry to a whole new level. If you want to be part of our journey check out our website for more information.

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Park Home & Holiday Park Association


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