PHHPA Magazine

Rise of the Footsoldier Origins Premiere


Today is the release of the fifth in the Rise of the Footsoldier series. Rise of the Footsoldier Origins introduces the back story of Tony Tucker played by Film Location Properties very own Terry Stone.

My colleague Bradley Chapman and I were privileged to be at the premiere on Wednesday at Cineworld on Leicester Square. It was wonderful to be at an event after lockdown and to see people enjoying themselves.

The red carpet was witness to an array of dresses that would not have been out of place at the Oscars and an array of actors who would also be at home there. Vinnie Jones who plays Bernard was not there because he is
currently in America filming Law and Order, but the rest of the cast were out in force.

The film was gritty, fast moving and hard hitting. It is not for the faint hearted or for those offended by swearing as it pins it’s 18 rating on the doorpost right from the get-go. I watched some of the gorier parts from behind my hands, but it was lightened by some real laugh out loud moments.

It was set in the late 80’s and through the nineties which is a time period I remember well and while Bradley spotted an anachronistic iPhone it really felt of the era.

I interviewed Rachel Warren (touted as the British Margot Robbie) who plays Lucy, Tony Tucker’s girlfriend and discussed how they had managed to film during lockdown. She put it down to shear determination and hard work.

It was written during the first lockdown, filmed in a four week period during the second lockdown and edited during the third lockdown. I think this added to the fast paced feel of this film. I believe it is was a fantastic accomplishment given the restrictions of the pandemic.

After the film we went on to the Maddox Club in Mayfair. The Maddox is divided into various rooms and we were privileged to be in with the VIP’s. Throughout there were ice buckets filled with drinks including champagne which were constantly topped up.

People were dancing to nineties anthems and the atmosphere was friendly and fun. Bradley and I left at about 1am as we knew we had a journey ahead of us and would need to be up bright and early the next day but honestly it looked like things were just getting started and would undoubtedly move to an after after party and who knows after that!

See more at PHHPA Magazine.

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